Friday 22 February 2013

Operam VI, Bank Street Gallery, Sheffield

Operam VI was another student exhibition going on at the same time as Art Ark. Bank Street is not my favourite gallery as it always looks damp and grotty and I wouldn't want to display my work in there. But for some people it might be really appropriate for their work. I don't think the layout of the exihibtion was very good and like Einfuhlung separarting the artists work and having them in separate rooms doesn't work. I felt the artists artwork as a rule should be kept together. I also didn't like the informatin tags that went with the pieces, they were very poorly done. They were rough and looked unprofessional and personally I would have taken them down. The catalogue was also very poorly done, as it was just black and white images and information stapled together in a book format.

Overall there was much to be improved on and I felt this was a good learning experience for the group.

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