Friday 22 February 2013

Jennifer West, Aloe Vera and Butter, S1 Galler, Sheffield, 2012

West approaches filmaking like alchemist, experimenting and transforming the surfaces of blank film stock, shot footage, found photographs or off-cuts from Hollywood blockbusters into abstract kaleidoscopes of colour, allusion and direct reference.

The video projectors were placed on the ground so as you walked infront of them you became part of the installation. I found this rather distracting as my body got in the way of the video. Once my figure got in the way of the videos I could not longer focus on it but rather the image of my silhouette. I now found mysel playing shadow puppets with my body and those of my friends at the gallery and had rather an amusing tim. I don't know whether it was the artists intention for this to happen of whether I just got bored and thought this would be a rather amusing way to occupy myself. In the end I didn't pay much attention to the actual footage.

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