Saturday 31 December 2011


Sorry I have not posted anything new for a while, i've been busy. Anyway, instead of doing a solo exhibition this semester, we had to do a group project in which we created a shop and made work to be sold in it. The aim of the project was to work together as a group and co-ordinate and organise ourselves in order to be a success.

The name of the shop was Spectrum based on theme for our shop which was colour.

Here is a press release that I wrote for the shop, although it was never offically released.


For the first time 17 up and coming art students from Sheffield Hallam University will be producing a ‘spectrum’ of art works to buy this December. Their works of art will come alive in their very own shop which opens to the public on the 8th December until the 10th, in the Cantor Gallery. Under the name ‘Spectrum’ the Creative Art Practice student’s will be producing a wide variety of work surrounding the Gravity Lecture series Colour. Colour is often seen as frivolous and vain, while black and white are considered serious. It is the group’s intention to reclaim its importance, demonstrate the power colour can have when used with precision in advertising and production, colour seduction is absolute, and challenge the stupidity that colour is the terrain of the ‘mere’ formalism.
The works range from Limited edition prints, beautifully hand crafted pathological jewelry, exquisite hand painted cards, a selection of the finest framed Dandelion Seeds and much more. The gifts/works will be available to buy over the Christmas period and this is definitely worth a peek, only around for 3 days and with such a spectrum of different gifts you’re bound to find something to steal your attention.

Overall I would have to say that it was a success as we made a substancial amount of money. However if this were to continue to be a permanent part of the second year course, I believe a better location for the shop and a longer time period would be required.

Here are a couple of my contributions to the shop. I decided to explore the intensity of colour through the natural world.