Sunday 24 February 2013

Berlin Trip

Last year in November some of us went on a whirl wind one week uni trip to Berlin. Let me tell you I saw more pieces of art work and visited more galleries in that one week than I had in my entire life and I was completely worn out by the end of it. We stayed at the A&O Hostel Mitte, which is a 7mins walk from the Heinrich-Hein-Strasse U-Bahn. Also because it is Berlin they all speak really good English in the cafes and restaurants.

List of Galleries
  • LoBe Gallery
  • Galerie Max Hetzler
  • Gallery Mehdi Chouakri
  • Hamburger Bahnhof- FYI the people who monitor the gallery are really unfriendly and watch you constantly like hawks incase the touch the work, heaven forbid.
  • Galerie Crone
  • Carlier Gebauer
  • Galerie Cruise&Callas
  • Konrad Fisher Galerie
  • Zak Branicka
  • Kunstlerhaus Bethanien
Places to Eat
  • I-Shin (Cheap Japanese Food) on Mittelstrasse
  • Chaapa, adalbertstr 9/10999 (Thali Food- tastes really) you get off at Kottbusser (Google map is a bit outdated, but that is the right place and if you keep walking up that road there are a bunch of other places to eat too.
  • The Hostel Food is not bad either
Also Berlin has some really interesting architexture and there is grafitti every where, most of which is quite interesting.


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