Wednesday 20 March 2013

Gravity- Vlatka Horvat

As part of the Gravity Lecture series guest are required to bring an object of significance with them and honestly I was more interested in Horvats object that I was her art work. Her object was a wooden picture frame that had seen better days. She described it as mainly a hole, a negative space that contains, encompassess things. After all it is the frame that frames the real thing that you are meant to be looking at. It is a supporter. An empty frame becomes the site for projection and imagination. When a frame is broken, its bondaries are broken and the thing that it contains threates to leak out.

A room can be a frame, a space of possiblity. Horvat interfears with the aspects of a room, what could and should be done in it. That aside I accutally dont like her work, even though I wrote three pages on her, mostly it was description. Its not that I dont like installation work, I do, and I understood what she was trying to acomplish, I just dont like what she creates. The onlt work I did like was Beside Itself, which was made up od long carboard strips that spiralled out from the center of the room becoming more square in its shape as it reach the edges of the walls. Because it was so close to the walls it meant there was only enough space for people to walk single file around it. Some people said it felt like the piece was pushing them against the wall and it felt quite confronting.

Beside Itself

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